David Johnson has been practicing psychotherapy in Evanston for many years. David is a licensed social worker with certification and training in addictions, hypnotherapy and Gestalt. For over 30 years, David has provided counseling services for individuals, couples and families, and has a specialty in mixed gender groups. He utilizes a holistic approach, emphasizing healing of mind, body, spirit and emotions.practitioner with with a stellar reputation and body work that speaks his years of experience.
Take a look at David’s services and read testimonials from patients who have enjoyed and benefited from David’s expertise throughout his long career. Visit David’s treatment courses page to decide which of David’s programs best fit your needs!
David is located in the Heartwood Center, in Evanston Illinois. Heartwood is a health care collective that is committed to providing excellence in integrative health services, classes and events.
Body Centered Psychotherapy
Guidance on the path towards mental balance, clarity and well-being
Body Centered Psychotherapy is an integration of Mind, Body, Spirit and Emotions. Utilizing Gestalt and Hypnotherapy techniques, I encourage each client to “look inside” themselves for what is best for them. As therapist, I am the guide and the experienced “inner traveler” who is present and attentive to help facilitate the process.
Benefits of Body Centered Psychotherapy
Heightened self awareness, improved self care and acceptance, less “getting stuck”, healthier relationships, more joy and contentment.
David's Bio
Mind, Body, Spirit, Emotions
When it comes to our health, the mind is very, very powerful; for good or for ill. Skills to be learned are: healthy self-talk, and how to “be with” ourselves with a proper attitude of self care and gentleness instead of judgment and criticism.
Our bodies cannot lie. Most of us have deserted our bodies and live in our heads (the abstract). I believe each person has a unique body language that serves as a two way communication system between mind and body. That linkage will be improved by coming to therapy. Time will be spent on body awareness and the physical sensations of emotions and learning one’s “own inner truth”.
Here we want to move from alienation and disconnection to a feeling of belonging. By doing the therapy, there will be an improved sense of purpose and contentment. Therapy is a spiritual journey because the focus is “going inward”.
Many enter psychotherapy due to relationship and/or health issues that can be traced back to their emotions. Body centered psychotherapy can provide the tools to learn how to identify and express feelings so that emotional well-being is restored.
Contact David
David H. Johnson, LCSW
Heartwood Center
1818 Dempster Street
Evanston, Illinois 60202
Phone: 847-475-3017
24-hour Voice Mail:
Leave a message and David will call you back for a short phone interview.